Imperative Sentence in hindi with Examples – आज्ञा सूचक वाक्य

Imperative Sentence in hindi: वाक्य का ऐसा प्रकार जिसमे आज्ञा या सलाह दी हो या फिर बिनती की हो उसे Imeprative Sentence कहा जाता है।

The type of sentence in which the command or advice is given or a request is done is called Imperative Sentence.

Imperative Sentence in hindi with Examples – आज्ञा सूचक वाक्य

इन वाक्यों के अंत में Exclamatory mark या full stop आता है।

Exclamation mark or full stop comes at the end of these sentences.

Imperative Sentences इन प्रकारों के होते है –
  1. Request
  2. Advice
  3. Command / order
  4. Wish
इन सारे प्रकारों को examples के साथ समझेंगे।

Subtypes of Imperative sentence​

1. Request​

  1. Please clean the hall.
  2. Please give me permission.
  3. Please help me to lift this box.
  4. Please call the police.
  5. Please believe me.

2. Advice​

  1. Go with your father, don’t go alone.
  2. You should marry a good girl.
  3. Don’t lie with your mother ever.
  4. Drink clean water always.
  5. Keep safe distance while travelling.

3. Command / Order​

  1. Hold the glass tightly.
  2. Press that button.
  3. Drive car to the left.
  4. Turn off the computer.
  5. Cut the rope.
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में ‘you’ ये कर्ता होता है। – In these types of sentences, ‘you’ is the subject.

4. Wish​

  1. Hope everything is fine at your side.
  2. Have a wonderful day!
  3. Best luck!
  4. Have a happy journey!
  5. Better luck next time!

FAQs on Imperative Sentence in hindi​

What is an imperative sentence??
वाक्य का ऐसा प्रकार जिसमे आज्ञा या सलाह दी हो या फिर बिनती की हो उसे Imperative Sentence कहा जाता है। – The type of sentence in which the command or advice is given or a request is done is called Imperative Sentence.

What are examples of imperative sentence?
  1. Have a wonderful day!
  2. Press that button.
  3. Please clean the hall.
  4. Drink clean water always.

Final words on Imperative sentence in hindi​

grammar में वाक्य के जितने प्रकार है उनमे से एक है imperative sentence. जिस वाक्य में order, advice, request या wish की गयी हो उसे imperative sentence बोला जाता है।

One of the types of sentences in grammar is imperative sentence. A sentence in which an order, advice, request or wish is made is called an imperative sentence.
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