What is the Meaning of Noun in hindi – Definition, 5 Types and Examples

What is the Meaning of Noun in hindi: Noun को हिंदी में ‘नाम’ यानि ‘संज्ञा’ कहा जाता है।

What is the Meaning of Noun in hindi – Definition, 5 Types and Examples

किसी पशु, पक्षी, जगह, आदमी या वस्तु के नाम को ‘Noun’ कहते है।

Name of any animal, bird, place, person or object is called ‘Noun’.

जैसे – River, City, Julie, Patel, Mumbai, Kolkata, school, playground, computer etc.

नीचे कुछ वाक्य दिए गए है जिसमे noun का इस्तेमाल किया गया है।
  1. I live in Pune.
  2. Monkeys live in forest.
  3. My father has headache.
  4. I love my family.
  5. John is a clever boy.

Types of Noun​

Noun के पांच प्रकार है।
  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Abstract Noun
  4. Material Noun
  5. Collective Noun

1. Common Noun​

जिस नाम से सिर्फ जाती होता है उसे Common Noun कहा जाता है।

The noun which just generalize the race is called Common Noun.

Examples of Common Noun​

  1. I like to eat ice-cream.
  2. My phone is ringing.
  3. Your school is near my home.
  4. Mahesh is on playground.
  5. Market is open today.

2. Proper Noun​

किसी आदमी, वस्तु, गांव, राज्य के विशेष नाम को ‘Proper Noun‘ कहा जाता है।

The Specific name of any person, object, village, state is called ‘Proper Noun’.

Examples of Proper Noun​

  1. Julie is my best friend.
  2. Mr. Patel is my neighbour.
  3. Nashik is my native place.
  4. India is my country.
  5. Aamir Khan is my favourite hero.

3. Abstract Noun​

जो चीज़ें हम छु नहीं सकते (अमूर्त) सिर्फ महसूस कर सकते है उन्हें Abstract noun कहते हैं।

Things we cannot touch are called abstract nouns. examples : thoughts, happiness, bravery, honesty, beauty and so on.

Examples of Abstract Noun​

  1. I have friendship with Payal.
  2. I believe in relationship.
  3. Bravery is good quality.
  4. I like adventures.
  5. I love my childhood friend.

4. Material Noun​

Material Noun को हिंदी में द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा या पदार्थवाचक संज्ञा भी कहते है। Material Noun वो नाम होता है जो मापा या तोला जा सकता है लेकिन गिना नहीं जा सकता।

Material Noun is a noun which can be measred or it can also be weighed but it cannot be counted.

Examples of Material Noun​

  1. This door is made up of wood.
  2. Chairs can be made from plastic or metal.
  3. This sac has a lot of sand.
  4. Rubber is used to make tyres.
  5. Cloth can be made from silk or cotton.

5. Collective Noun​

Collective noun को हिंदी में समूहवाचक संज्ञा कहा जाता है। यह किसी group या समूह को दिया हुआ नाम होता है।

The name given to any group is called Collective Noun.

Examples of Collective Noun​

a herd of buffaloes​
a team of players​
a flock of birds​
a sentence of words​
a pack of dogs​
a colony of houses​

Final Words on What is the Meaning of Noun in hindi​

किसी पशु, पक्षी, जगह, आदमी या वस्तु के नाम को ‘Noun’ कहते है।

Name of any animal, bird, place, person or object is called ‘Noun’.

जैसे – River, City, Julie, Patel, Mumbai, Kolkata, school, playground, computer etc.
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