Meaning of Infinitive in hindi (Infinitive का अर्थ) with Types and Examples

Meaning of Infinitive in hindi with Types and Rules : Infinitive का अर्थ समज़ने के लिए हम पहले कुछ उदाहरण देख लेते है।
  • I want to read this book.
  • You want to read this book.
  • He wants to read this book.
  • They want to read this book.
  • Sheela wants to read this book.
  • Mahesh wants to read this book.
  • My parents want to read this book.
इन सारे वाक्यों में कर्ता चाहे जो भी हो ‘to read’ का स्वरुप वही रहा है।

यही होते है Infinitives.

क्रिया का वो रूप जो कर्ता के साथ नहीं बदलता उसे infinitive कहा जाता है।

The form of the verb that does not change with the subject is called an infinitive.

Meaning of Infinitive in hindi (Infinitive का अर्थ) with Types and Examples

Types of Infinitives​

Infinitive के 2 प्रकार है।
  • To- infinitive
  • Bare Infinitive

To- infinitive​

वह infinitive जिसका प्रयोग ‘to’ के साथ किया जाता है उसे To- infinitive कहते है।

The infinitive that is used with ‘to’ is called To- infinitive.


to go, to write, to walk, to play, to jump आदि।

To- infinitive का सही उपयोग जानने के लिए निचे दिया गया chart पढ़े।
Use of To- infinitive​
Infinitive used​
As a subject​
1] To run is good for our health.
2] To read is a good habit.​
1] to run
2] to read​
As an object​
1] He likes to jump on the floor.
2] Meena loves to play guitar.​
1] to jump
2] to play​
As a complement​
1] Ramesh is to hit a six.
2] Sourabh is to sing a classical song.​
1] to hit
2] to sing​
As a preposition​
1] Geeta is about to leave for clinic.
2] We are about to tell him the truth.​
1] to leave
2] to tell​

Bare Infinitive​

वह infinitive जिसका प्रयोग ‘to’ के बिना किया जाता है उसे Bare infinitive कहते है।

The infinitive that is used without ‘to’ is called the bare infinitive.

  • Ganesh can apply this.
  • We can apply this.
  • Birds can apply this.
  • All the world can apply this.
  • He can call me.
  • They can call me.
  • My aunty can call me.
  • Teachers can call me.
  • Everybody can call me.

FAQs on Meaning of Infinitive in hindi​

What is infinintive in hindi?
क्रिया का वो रूप जो कर्ता के साथ नहीं बदलता उसे infinitive कहा जाता है।

What are the types of infinitives?
Infinitive के २ प्रकार है।
  1. To- infinitive
  2. Bare Infinitive
What are examples of infinitives?
1. We should make this.
2. They should make this.
3. He should make this.
4. God should make this.
5. People should make this.

Final Words on Meaning of Infinitive in hindi​

क्रिया का वो रूप जो कर्ता के साथ नहीं बदलता उसे infinitive कहा जाता है।

Infinitive के 2 प्रकार है।
  • To- infinitive
  • Bare Infinitive
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