Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) Definition and Examples

Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense): Tense is something which tells us about the time when that particular action happened or is going to happen.

Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) Definition and Examples

As in other languages, in English also there are three main Tenses:
  1. Present Tense
  2. Past Tense
  3. Future Tense
Each of these types has 4 subtypes:
  1. Simple
  2. Continuous
  3. Perfect
  4. Perfect Continuous
Thus, there are 12 types of tense.

So the 4 subtypes of Present Tense are:
  1. Simple Present Tense
  2. Present Continuous Tense
  3. Present Perfect Tense
  4. Perfect Continuous Present Tense
Here in this particular post we will study the first type : Simple Present Tense.

The use of Simple Present Tense​

Simple Present Tense is used for expressing habits, facts, general truths, permanent situations, those actions which happen on daily basis etc.


1] The sun rises in the East.

2] I like to walk.

3] Rohan is the captain of football team.

4] My parents always support me.

5] Earth is the only planet where living world exists.

6] Healthy food is good for health.

7] We are siblings.

8] I want to eat bananas.

9] You all are my best buddies.

10] Mahesh follows his father.

In the sentence of Simple Present Tense, the form of the verb changes according to the form of subject.

Simple Present Tense Structure / Formula​

The general formula or format of Simple Present Tense is :

subject + am / is/ are / has / have / first form of verb + object
  • If the subject is third-person singular (he, she, it or name of any person/ animal/ object etc,) , verb always ends in ‘s’or a helping verb ‘has’ comes in absence of main verb.
Pls note: 1] In case of ‘I’ as a subject ‘am’ is always used as helping verb in Simple Present tense.

In case of ‘You’ as a subject ‘are’ is always used as helping verb in Simple Present tense.


1] Earth revolves around the Sun.

2] Rainbow has seven colours.

3] The cat drinks milk.

4] She finds the best solution.

5] I am a very active person.

6] You are a great teacher.

7] John keeps all the things on place.

8] My uncle teaches me good habits.

9] My father drinks a lot of water.

10] The tigers eats flesh.
  • If the subject is third-person plural / we/ you / they, then the verb has its base form only. In case, if main verb is absent, some helping verbs like are / have appear in a sentence.
Like :

1] We play a lot of games.

2] They have a new car.

3] The plants make their own food.

4] Teachers pay a lot of attention on students’ progress.

5] You all run very fast.

6] My friends take care of me.

7] Grandparents are the backbone of each family.

8] Some plants grow very fast.

9] They punish naughty kids.

10] Electrical wires have coating.

In case of negative sentences, does not or do not occur in case of singular and plural subject respectively.

Here, the format of sentence changes like this,

subject + am / is/ are / do / does + verb + object

Like :

1] I do not like to eat carrot.

2] He does not tell the truth.

3] Maria does not read books.

4] You do not call me.

5] Family does not support wrong things.

6] They do not allow me to do so.

7] Computers do not cook.

8] My daughter is not brave.

9] I am not like him.

10] My mother is not illiterate.

Examples of Simple Present Tense​

1] I am not a stupid guy.

2] He searches for the good opportunities.

3] Doctor gives medicine to his patients.

4] Film actors do a lot of hard work.

5] Students need a lot of practice.

6] Jockey catches ball perfectly.

7] You like to listen songs.

8] Earth attracts everything towards itself.

9] Mohan and Sohan work for their parents.

10] We teach our students.

To read the Simple Present Tense in Hindi CLICK HERE.
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